In 2006, the MRU team assisted Continental Shelf Associates, Inc. with coral reef damage assessment, remediation, and restoration efforts in response to the grounding of the 228-m oil tanker T/V Margara off the southern coast of Puerto Rico. The MRU team assisted in identifying over 8,500 m2 of impacted reef which included a relatively large thicket of threatened staghorn coral. The emergency restoration work at the impact site focused on the time-sensitive task of securing salvaged corals with underwater cement, rebuilding portions of the impacted reef, and removing toxic anti-fouling paint from the site.
In collaboration with the NOAA Restoration Center, Sea Ventures used coral fragments from this grounding to create a nursery near Guayanilla. Since then, the nursery has expanded allowing NOAA to outplant hundreds of colonies of staghorn coral to other restoration sites in the region.